United Heater is a brand name of products focused on heating equipment. United Heater is manufactured by PT Usaha Saudara Mandiri, located in Tangerang, West Java, Indonesia.


We aim to become the best partner that provides added value and benefits for all industries in Indonesia and Southeast Asia


Prioritizing customer satisfaction


U - UNITY celebrates diversity.
Synergizing the collective experiences, varied skills, and unique talents of every team member builds unstoppable momentum and drives unimaginable achievements
S - Start With the Consumer.
Making every decision, no matter how big or small, with the consumer top of mind and make their experience better.
M - Move Fast
Moving fast together in one direction as a company, not just as individuals.


  • Safe to use
    Environmentally friendly
  • Competitive price
    Minimal maintenance
  • Energy saving
    Technical support
  • Easy to operate
    Compact design

The Development History Of Heating Element

Heating elements have a long history that is closely intertwined with the development of science and technology, particularly in the field of electricity. From their humble beginnings to today's sophisticated designs and applications, electric heating elements continue to play an important role in various aspects of industry. In 1841, James Joule discovered Joule's law, which explains the relationship between electric current, resistance and heat. This discovery laid the foundation for the development of electric heating elements.  In 1859, Edward Simpson of England patented the...

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Types of Ceramic Heater

Ceramic heaters have electrical resistance and thermal conductivity to generate and conduct heat when current flows through them. Ceramics are useful as insulators while simultaneously conducting heat to minimize the occurrence of temperature drops and energy connected to a non-insulated resistance wire. The following are the types of ceramic heaters, namely:   Ceramic Bobbin Heater This heater is usually used to heat liquids and gases without direct contact with this heater. Ceramic bobbin heater is the right heater to use for water, oil, and chemical liquids. Can work at a...

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Dari hampir sebagian besar Heater dan Thermocouple yang kami pesan, sebagian besar tidak pernah ada masalah

PT. Pertiwi Agung

Kualitas produk & pelayanannya memuaskan

PT. Paswindo Prima
Div. Produksi

Kualitas heater bagus, lebih dari 6 bulan, harga relatif kompetitif

PT. Cable Tech

Kualitas USM paling bagus dari supplier lain yang pernah kami trial dengan delivery sesuai dengan harapan kami dan pelayanan yang baik sekali

PT. Purolator
Div. Engineering

Kualitas sudah bagus

PT. Morinaga Kino
Div. Purchasing

We are very satisfied to having cooperation with PT. Usaha Saudara Mandiri over the quality of products we get with the services of the best guarantee.

PT. Muncul Putra
Div. Engineering

Service pelayanan bagus dan memuaskan, lebih ditingkatkan lagi. Untuk pembuatan heater agar dipercepat dengan kualitasnya yang tetap baik.

PT. Sundong IL Plastik
Div. Purchasing

Respon terhadap claim baik, kualitas pembuatannya baik dengan harga yang bersaing

PT. Nano Coating
Div. Engineering

Here are some of the amazing clients we have worked with so far