Healthcare Talkshow by Mayapada Hospital about Hypertension and the Prevention

On Saturday March 25th, 2023 PT Usaha Saudara Mandiri together with Mayapada Hospital just held a health talk show with the theme "The Importance of Early Detection of Hypertension and Prevention" in order to educate employees of PT Usaha Saudara Mandiri to be aware of the hazardous of hypertension if it left unchecked.

RISKESDAS in 2018 estimated that there are 63,309,620 cases of hypertension with a death rate from hypertension reaching 427,218. Hypertension often occurs in people aged 55-64 years, although it is also possible that younger people can also experience severe hypertension.

Dealing with this, Marketing team and dr. Samantha as a speaker from Mayapada Hospital, tried to educate employees of PT Usaha Saudara Mandiri to be aware of hypertension. Healthcare Talkshow ran smoothly and interactively. The discussion on this talkshow discussed knowledge about hypertension, how to handle it, what kind of lifestyle that is suitable for suppressing hypertension, etc. Beside that, Mayapada Hospital also facilitated the employees of PT Usaha Saudara Mandiri to check their glycemia and hypertension.

After the content was delivered, the employees of PT Usaha Saudara Mandiri actively asked about the handling and prevention of hypertension. In the end of the event, Mayapada Hospital gave souvenirs to the questioners and employees who answered the mini quiz.

The talkshow was done at 11 a.m with a group photo of Mayapada Hospital and PT Usaha Saudara Mandiri staff who had received souvenirs.

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